
Guest blog

Guest blog Meaning: guest blog Also called: guest article or guest contribution A guest blog is a blog post written by someone who is not a regular writer or contributor to the website on which it is published. This is a popular online marketing strategy that allows authors to increase their reach and authority in a particular field, while website owners can benefit from fresh content [...]


Gateway Meaning: gateway Also called: entrance page or doorway page A gateway page is a web page that is specifically optimised to rank well in search engine results for a particular keyword or set of keywords. However, instead of providing useful content to the visitor, it often acts merely as an 'entrance' that redirects users [...]

Featured snippet

Featured snippet Meaning: featured snippet Also called: featured snippet or answer box A featured snippet is a special type of search result that appears at the top of organic search engine results. This particular result provides users with a direct answer to their query without actually having to visit the website. It is like a "quick answer" that Google [...]

Dwell Time

Dwell Time Meaning: Dwell Time Also called: dwell time or duration Dwell time refers to the amount of time a user spends on a particular web page before returning to the search engine results. This factor can be used by search engines such as Google to determine the relevance and value of a page. In fact, a [...]

Domain authority

Domain authority Meaning: domain authority Also called: domain authority or site reputation Domain authority is a score (usually on a scale of 1 to 100) that indicates the credibility and reliability of a website. This score is often used by search engines to determine how high a website should appear in search results. A higher domain authority suggests that [...]


Disallow Meaning: disallow Also called: exclude or ban The disallow command, in the context of websites, is often associated with the robots.txt file. This command is used to instruct search engine crawlers not to index certain pages or parts of a website. Although it seems like a simple task, managing what [...]

Description Tag

Description Tag Meaning: description tag Also called: meta description or meta description The description tag is an HTML element that provides a brief summary of the content of a web page. It is an essential part of SEO as it gives a first impression to potential visitors in search engine results. Although the description tag does not directly [...]


Crawler Meaning: Crawler Also called: spider or bot A crawler is a software programme that systematically searches the web to index web pages for search engines such as Google. These crawlers play a vital role in how search engines work and how websites are ranked in organic results. A crawler usually starts with a list of [...]


Conversion Meaning: Conversion Also called: conversion or transaction Conversion indicates the point at which a website visitor performs a specific, desired action. This could be filling in a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter or even completing a purchase. Here, optimising these actions, or conversion optimisation, is a fundamental aspect of effective [...]

Content Canon

Content canon Meaning: content canon Also known as: large amount of content A content canon is a strategic approach in which a large amount of quality content is produced and published in a short period of time. The aim is to quickly increase a website's authority and visibility by providing valuable information on a consistent basis. This [...]


Content Meaning: Content Also called: content or material Content is the core of any website and plays a crucial role in any brand's online marketing strategy. It is the collection of text, images, videos and other forms of information that visitors consume when they visit a website. Quality content is essential for [...]


Clickbait Meaning: clickbait Also called: lure link or clickbait Clickbait refers to online content, especially headlines, that is primarily designed to attract attention and entice users to click on a link. While effective titles and headlines are crucial for attracting readers, clickbait headlines often tend to be sensational or [...]

Champagne SEO

Champagne SEO Meaning: champagne SEO Also known as: elite SEO or premium SEO Champagne SEO refers to an exclusive and premium SEO strategy, specifically designed for high-end brands or products. Just as champagne is considered a luxury and premium drink, champagne SEO is considered the crème de la crème of search engine optimisation. Here, [...]

Canonical URL

Canonial URL Meaning: canonial URL Also called: canonical or permalink A canonical URL is a web address chosen by website owners to give priority when indexed by search engines such as Google. It is used to avoid duplicate content issues, a common problem that can lead to search engine confusion and ultimately cause [...]

Breadcrumb trail

Breadcrumb trail Meaning: breadcrumb trail Also called: breadcrumb or breadcrumb-trail Breadcrumb trail is a navigation aid that shows users where they are within the structure of a website. It is an essential tool for improving the user experience and readability of web pages, especially when the website has deeply nested pages. The breadcrumb trail is often found at [...]

Bridge Page

Bridge Page Meaning: bridge page Also called: doorway page or gateway page A bridge page, sometimes referred to as a 'doorway page' or 'gateway page', is a web page created specifically to direct search engine visitors to another, often more relevant or commercial, page on the website. Although bridge pages used to be a [...]

Broad keywords

Broad keywords Meaning: Broad keywords Also called: general search terms or main keywords Broad keywords, refer to searches that have a general intent and often consist of one or two words. They are often more competitive compared to long-tail keywords, but can attract higher search volume due to their general nature. Using broad keywords in SEO [...]


Breadcrumb Meaning: Breadcrumb Also called: navigation track or navigation path When talking about the navigation of a website, a breadcrumb is an essential tool that helps users determine their location within a website. It acts as a kind of table of contents, allowing users to easily return to previous pages. In the context of SEO, the breadcrumb plays [...]


Branding Meaning: Branding Also called: brand formation or brand experience Branding is the process of creating and promoting a unique brand image and identity for a product, service or organisation. Effective branding allows companies to stand out from their competitors and build an emotional connection with their target audience. In the digital age, branding is more than [...]


Blog Meaning: Blog Also called: weblog or online diary A blog is an online platform or section of a website on which new content is regularly published, usually in an informal style. This content can range from news updates to detailed articles on specific topics. A blog can be a powerful tool for online marketing and can [...]

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO Meaning: Black Hat SEO Also known as: unethical SEO or prohibited practices Black Hat SEO refers to a set of practices used to increase a website's ranking in search engine organic results, but which violate search engine guidelines. These techniques may produce quick results, but run [...]


Backrub Meaning: Backrub Also known as: original search engine or precursor Backrub was the original name of what we now know as Google, before it was renamed in 1997. Backrub was unique at the time because it used backlinks to assess the authority and reliability of websites, which was a revolutionary approach in the world of [...]


Backlinks Meaning: Backlinks Also called: inbound link or incoming link A backlink is a link from one website that points to a page on another website. Backlinks are essential for SEO because they signal to search engines that other websites consider your content valuable and worth looking at [...].


Authority Meaning: authority Also called: credibility or reliability In the world of SEO, authority refers to the credibility and reliability of a website in the eyes of search engines. Websites with high authority are often seen as reliable sources and therefore more likely to rank higher in organic results. This concept [...]

Anchor link

Anchor link Meaning: Anchor link Also called: bookmark link or section link An anchor link, is a specific form of hyperlink that navigates to another section within the same page. They are usually used in extensive content, such as long blog posts or manuals, to improve the user experience by providing easy navigation. Adding anchor links improves [...]

Anchor text

Anchor text Meaning: Anchor text Also called: anchor text or link text The anchor text, is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It is a fundamental part of SEO and directly affects link building strategy and how search engines interpret a website's content. For example, an anchor text like "click here" is less informative than "more [...]

Alt tag

Alt tag Meaning: Alt tag Also called: alt text or alternative text The alt tag, is an important part of website optimisation and contributes to both user experience and SEO value. This text is meant to provide a description of an image for the situations where the image itself cannot be displayed. This is crucial [...]


Algorithm Meaning: Algorithm Also called: ranking protocol and sorting engine An algorithm in the context of search engines refers to the complex set of rules and procedures used to rank web pages based on relevance to particular search queries. In the world of online marketing and SEO, it is the backbone by which search engines like Google determine [...]


Topicality Meaning: topicality Also called: contemporary content or timely information Topicality refers to the freshness and relevance of information on a website. In a rapidly evolving digital world, keeping a website's content up-to-date is essential to remain relevant to visitors. Maintaining the timeliness of a website is not [...]

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages Meaning: Accelared Mobile Pages Also known as: lightning-fast or instant page loads Accelerated Mobile Pages, better known as AMP, is an open-source initiative designed to make web pages load faster on mobile devices. In an era where mobile website accessibility is becoming increasingly crucial, AMP is an answer to the need to make users [...]

404 page

404 page Meaning: 404 page Also called: not found or page missing A 404 page, often described as a "not found" or "page missing" screen, is a default web page displayed when a visitor tries to reach a page that does not exist on the server. This could be because the URL was entered incorrectly, [...]

404 error

Meaning: 404 error also known as: dead link or broken link The 404 error is a standard HTTP response code indicating that the server was unable to find the requested page. Often the reason is an incorrectly entered URL or a page that has been deleted or moved. It is essential for website owners and online marketers to [...]