Welcome to On The Rocks, the place where your corporate video comes to life. Are you looking for a professional corporate video in Helmond that can convey your message in a creative and effective way? Then you have come to the right place. We specialise in video production and are happy to help you create a powerful corporate video that will take your company to new heights.
Discover how a corporate video Helmond from On The Rocks can take your business to new heights. This powerful tool enriches the content on your website and increases engagement on social media, interactively and effectively reaching potential customers and reinforcing your brand. Our specialised videographers create engaging videos that highlight your products or services and engage viewers.
Our process starts with an appointment to explore your ideas, goals and expectations. Then, we capture your company and message in an attractive way with professional imagery, aimed at reflecting your vision in the end result.
Want to experience the impact of visual content on your business? Contact On The Rocks for a partnership that grows your business through visual storytelling. We are committed to your success and give your business the attention it deserves.
Choose On The Rocks as your partner for corporate videos and experience the difference professional video production makes. Our experienced videographers, with years of expertise, understand how to capture and highlight the essence of your business. We work closely with you to produce a corporate video that perfectly suits your needs and touches your target audience.
A strong online presentation is essential, and our in-depth knowledge ensures your video stands out and increases your online visibility. We are equipped with the latest technology, including professional cameras and drones, to bring your story to life with an eye for detail and creativity.
On The Rocks offers more than video production; we tell your story with images and sound that together leave an unforgettable impression. Discover the power of a professional corporate video and how it can set your business apart. With us by your side, you have the expertise, experience, and equipment to visually transform your business.
Would you like more information about the possibilities for a tailor-made corporate film? Then feel free to contact with us for a personal discussion. At On The Rocks, we are ready to listen to your needs and ideas so that we can create a perfectly fitting corporate video for you.
Our experienced videographers have the expertise to bring your vision to life and make your business shine. Whether you are looking for an experienced videographer, want to have a corporate video made, or are just curious about the possibilities, we are here for you.
Find out how we can work together to make your corporate video a success. We would love to meet you and your company, and we look forward to discussing the possibilities for your corporate video. Let us know what your needs are, and we will make sure your business gets the attention it deserves.
At On The Rocks, we strive to create content that is not only seen, but also leaves a lasting impression. How we do this?
What do you want to tell, who do you want to reach and how should it come across to the viewer? We will give you appropriate advice.
Using visual examples, mood boards and inspirational stories, we come up with a concept that fully connects with your target audience.
The content on paper. This is where everything comes together and production starts.
Three, two, one... ACTION! Our video crew gets to work creating your Gen Z content. This is where all the preparation comes together.
The material is assembled and processed.
With your feedback, we will dot the i's and cross the t's.
For companies that want to make strides. YSE places go-getters with companies and lets them grow that way. We were asked if we could make a video that could showcase their services in a high-profile way. The result: already 10+ new clients attracted with this video.
IW Nederland
IW is the training provider in electrical and installation engineering. We were given complete freedom to put IW's services on screen and what a result! Used as a brand movie and recruitment video,
Whether we could make a recap for Snelle's AFAS Live show, we call this a piece of art!
A corporate video is generally longer and can contain more in-depth information, while a corporate video is shorter and powerful to convey a message quickly and effectively.
A corporate film helps you present your business in a visually appealing way and can be a powerful marketing tool to attract potential clients.
You can contact us via our website with no obligation to make an appointment to discuss the possibilities of making a corporate film.
A professional videographer has the expertise and experience to portray your business in the best possible way, ensuring the quality of your corporate video.
Your corporate film can use different types of footage depending on the message and style you want to convey, such as drone shots, commercial footage and more.
By publishing your company film online, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential customers who are not yet familiar with your company and services.
Having a corporate film made is an investment in marketing your business. The cost depends on the form and complexity of the film and may vary. Contact us for a no-obligation quote.
You can view examples of corporate films on our website to get an idea of our style and quality of work.
This depends on the content and message of the film. Sometimes involving employees can emphasise the authenticity and human side of the company, but it is not always necessary.
At On The Rocks, we ensure a professional approach and provide customisation to portray your business in the best possible way, so that your corporate film attracts the attention it deserves.
Fill in the form or contact Bram van Roosmalen directly
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We will contact you within 24 hours, in which we will discuss all your requirements and be able to send you a no-obligation proposal that suits you completely.
"Top that On The Rocks has so much to offer! With excellent service and communication, clearly a professional company. Get ready for the next job."
Bram Kling - Surfing Sommelier
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We will contact you within 24 hours, in which we will discuss all your requirements and be able to send you a no-obligation proposal that suits you completely.
085 - 060 0290
Roggeweg 26B
6534 AJ Nijmegen