

Meaning: clickbait

Also: lok-link or click-click cheese

Clickbait refers to online content, especially headlines, that is primarily designed to attract attention and entice users to click on a link. While effective titles and headlines are crucial for attracting readers, clickbait headlines often tend to be sensational or misleading, which can ultimately lead to a negative user experience.

A classic feature of clickbait is a headline that keeps readers in suspense, often promising a revealing or shocking story, but not necessarily reflecting the content of the article itself. Although this type of content initially has high conversion- and click rates can generate, it can be harmful in the long run for the branding and reputation of a website. In addition, the use of misleading titles and headlines by platforms such as Google and social media are penalised, which the pagerank and visibility of a site can harm it.

For brands and content creators focused on sustainable growth and loyal audiences, it is essential to focus on quality, authentic and valuable content rather than relying on clickbait strategies. Offering transparent and honest headlines that cover the content of the article, along with providing in-depth content, ensures better user experience and builds trust with the audience.

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